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  • Writer's pictureShallon Mitchell

Confetti in all its forms

Hi, I'm Shallon Owner and Founder of Confetti for Days Event Planning,

I thought I'd Share a bit about myself and why I decided to share my skills with families all over Alberta.

I am a mother of two boys 12 and 2, dog mom, wife and boss babe. Over the last decade I've been enlisted as the designated event planner / coordinator for various functions in my professional life. I worked in remote northern Alberta, where it isn't always easy to plan or execute an event as one would in a city. I learned how to be extremely resourceful, budget conscious and execute events flawlessly with kudos from senior leadership. Now I know what you are thinking...Umm yippee you had to throw a Christmas party big whoop! There was actual three events, that had to encompass the entire companies population which at the time was around 450 people. Not to mention the coordination of menus, gift prizes, games and my personal favorite master of ceremonies. All this while I was still working at site as the Human Resources Administration Manager. A shout out to the group of people that also assisted in making those events a success. Thats only one example But I digress

Then I had kids and found that this whole party planning thing is totally my jam. I am even craftier than I ever thought possible. I am armed with my Pinterest, Cricut, Construction paper and glue.... ooh also Amazon helps a lot too. I started off small and did my son's Minecraft Themed party. It was a a lot of work but I enlisted the help of my husband, and by 3am we had a full on Minecraft living room for our son to wake up too. Pictures of course were posted and I was welcomed with "where do you come up with this stuff" and "can I buy that from you". at the time I was more flattered than anything and didn't really think futher on the subject.

Cut to today and many Birthdays, family functions, Elves on the shelf and here I am, taking the first step and inviting you all into my world of creativity.

Thanks for stopping by and stay tuned for my adventure into the world of event planning.

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